Hataitai School Enrolment Information

Thank you for considering us as a potential school for your child. The Board of Trustees and staff are committed to providing our students with a quality education that reaches the highest possible standards. Hataitai School is zoned, so please refer to the Enrolment Scheme documentation to see if you are within the area. In 2020 the Board of Trustees is offering ten out of zone placements for the combined years 7 and 8 only for the academic year starting February 2021. See below for application forms.

Please download the enrolment form, complete and return this to the school. We ask that parents enrol their child well in advance so class visits and planning can be made. Please note that a New Zealand Birth Certificate must be provided before a child may be enrolled. For children born overseas a Passport or other proof of residency status is required. Children who are not New Zealand citizens, or who do not have the appropriate residency entitlement, cannot be enrolled. In addition to the Birth Certificate requirement, outlined above, the child's Immunisation Certificate is also required for New Entrant enrolments along with a copy of a utilities bill as proof of address.

All children start school on their birthday and are offered two school visits before they start. School visits are held on a Wednesday morning, the first visit is between 9am and 10.30am, the second visit is between 9am and 12.30pm.

This is arranged prior to the child's starting date. An introduction letter with their visit dates will be sent to you via email and/or post. School visits are a good way to help make the transition to school a happy and easy time for your child.

The visits are also a chance for your child to:

  • Meet and develop a relationship with the teacher

  • Meet and make friends with other children who will be in their class

  • Become familiar with the classroom routines and activities

  • Become familiar with the school environment

  • Begin to develop confidence to become independent at school

Please download the following documents to find out more about Hataitai School and how to apply for enrolment for your child.

To check that your address is in zone, please check on the enrolment scheme information provided below. Alternatively, you can go to nzschools.tki.org.nz/ and enter your address to see whether you are in our school zone.

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